INESIS(イネジス) ゴルフ ポロシャツ 長袖 レディース
Our INESIS teams have designed this long-sleeved polo shirt for golfing in mild weather (perceived temperatures between 10 °C and 20 °C).
Stretch comfort of cotton/elastane.

Stretchy fabric thanks to use of elastane for swinging with ease.

This polo shirt keeps its appearance after washes thanks to 210 g/m2 piqué knit.
- 95% コットン
- 5% ポリウレタン
INESIS design
We design our products to put you at ease, however you swing and whatever your level of skill. Inesis is a team of golf enthusiasts who, thanks to your feedback, further develop each product so that playing golf is always a source of enjoyment.
Product story
We have developed a long sleeve model for playing in cool weather, which is available in several colours. Cotton/elastane fabric doesn't restrict your movement.We have selected 210 gsm cotton elastane fabric to make it truly resistant to repeated washing and also allow you to upturn your collar without it falling down.
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Dommage que les manches…
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